Zac Efron Is Launching A Netflix Series Called Down To Earth: What's It About?

6 July 2020, 16:38 | Updated: 2 October 2020, 22:51

Zac Efron's new Netflix series Down to Earth drops soon
Zac Efron's new Netflix series Down to Earth drops soon. Picture: Netflix

Zac Efron’s new TV series Down to Earth lands on Netflix soon – what is the release date, and what’s it about? Here’s all you need to know…

Zac Efron is fronting a brand new TV series, Down to Earth, which will be released on Netflix in just a few days.

Fans of the High School Musical heartthrob can’t wait to see him back on their screens, but what is Zac’s new series about and when is its release date?

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Here’s everything you need to know…

What is Zac Efron’s new series Down to Earth about?

Zac Efron's new series looks at sustainable ways of living
Zac Efron's new series looks at sustainable ways of living. Picture: Netflix

Zac’s new travel series follows the actor and wellness expert Darin Olien as they visit a number of countries across the world to learn more about sustainable living.

The pair will experience first-hand how food and new technologies are being used as alternative sources to provide for towns and cities.

In the trailer, the 32-year-old said: "We're travelling around the world to find some new perspectives on some very old problems.

"Food, water and energy are all the main staples for modern life. We're going to see some top eco innovators to see how change is an inside job. And we're going to be eating really, really well.

"We need to start rethinking how we consume everything, from our food to our power. Change has to start somewhere. Maybe it's about time we all changed. It's time to get down to earth."

Down to Earth release date

Down to Earth will be released on Netflix on 10 July.

All episodes will drop at once.

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